Obsidian Key's FANS picture

Join Obsidian Key's friends community!

Like Obsidian Key sound and wants to see all the pictures for FANS, get every update, chat with other fans, post your thoughts and opinion on the official obsidian key forum?

Then it's time for you to join the obsidian key community by register yourself on obsidiankey.com and have fun!


To join the community is very simple and quick, just click on register yourself and after you have compiled the little form where we ask you about your name, your username (a name of fantasy you would like to use on here), your email (to get info about Obsidian Key and to manage your account here) and a password (to protect your data from others) you'll be able to access all the information, browse the pictures and more on this web-site.

Please note, if you don't want to fill the form and have a facebook, myspace, google or openid account you can simply log-in and the registration will be automatic, for more information and privacy policy please consult our FAQ on here.

If you have questions about the registering process please consul the FAQ or just register yourself and start your obsidian key community experience!