Best Prog Radio 2014

on . Posted in O.K. Latest

( 7 Votes )
Best Prog Radio 2014 5.0 out of 5 based on 7 votes.

Do you have a radio or a podcast and do you like Obsidian Key music? Then this is something for you, we are organising "Best Radio 2014" for our music, of all the radio/podcasts who have played Obsidian Key music mostly during the year. Let us know if you still haven't got LOUD! album (we'll send you the album in 320Kbps, 24 bits MP3) and let us know every show/time you play Obsidian Key music, the first 5 radios/podcasts who played the most our music will win an original LOUD! CD from us plus free advertisement on our website and our social networks! :)


To be part of this program that we use to thank every podcast and radio who plays our music is very simple, send us a message every time you play our music in a show or podcast. This till February 2015, then the first 5 radios/podcasts who played our songs the most will win an original CD of LOUD! and free advertisement on our website and social network channels!

Don't forget we'll advertise your shows as well, if we receive your info in advance (2 days before your show/podcast) for all the radio and podcasts! And if you don't win it this year, don't worry, we'll keep organising it every year to support all radios and podcasts who support us!

If you don't yet have Obsidian Key debut album LOUD!, you can request your mp3 set (320Kbps, 24 bits quality) by clicking on "contact us" and requesting it. Please note: we'll need proofs of you having a podcast or radio.  

Thank you for your support and good luck to all the radios and podcasts out there!

- Obsidian Key

Posted: 10 years 20 hours ago by sonic #85
To all the radio out there, please let us know ASAP, February will be over soon and so will the terms to submit your report with your plays and info!

Thanks everyone :)

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