Obsidian Key made 1 year of activity!

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( 26 Votes )
Obsidian Key made 1 year of activity! 5.0 out of 5 based on 26 votes.

Obsidian Key Prog Rock Metal music bandObsidian Key made 1 year of activity and I must say that it was an incredible year!

I decided to found Obsidian Key's project on january 2010 (actually it was new eve night when I toke the final decision!), but then personal problems came in and I had to stop working on this wonderful project till about 26 June 2010, so after a lot of work and building up Hyper-Sonic Records ( my Indie Studio) I finally started to work on O.K. debut album. Well one year is passed by and the numbers are absolutely IMPRESSIVE! All this thanks to you guys, I could never made all this without your help, without your support and without your love for the kind of music I love more.

So this "happy 1st year of activity Obsidian Key" is all for you, with an immense thank you, to all of you, included friends who helped me along the way and everyone that have listened Obsidian Key's music all around the world.

You guys really rocks! And I hope to keep seeing all of you, keep receiving your messages, your play and your advices for all the new year of activity... and here is what you did:

More than 150000 visits through all the web pages of Obsidian Key's (obsidiankey.com, mypsace, facebook, reverbnation, ilike, ourstage, last.fm, sonicbids, artistdata and others)

More than 22000 PLAYS!!!!!! For Where are you now, Bleeding Romance and Time, OMG this is absolutely AWESOME!!! :)

More than 4000 fans world-wide with prevalence of USA, UK and South America, but I am sure all the other countries will make O.K. feels more their love this new year of activity!

More than 600 comments through all the various websites!

More than 300 emails from all the Obsidian Key's pages on internet!

Thanks you again and I hope we'll rock together even more for another year of pure Progressive Rock Metal!

- Sonic

Posted: 11 years 8 months ago by sonic #63
P.S. This was the good old first Obsidian Key Logo :)

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